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Strategic Partnership & Transformative Learning Models

Our team uses research-based practices to implement personalized services to meet the particular needs of your school or district. Specialists are experts in the areas of strategic planning, instructional coaching and professional learning services, program support, and family engagement.  

Service Request

Strategic Planning

Begin with an audit process that is personalized to your school community in the areas of literacy, math, STEM, and social-emotional learning. Consultation and audit services provide schools with a customized, in-depth report. Audits identify current exemplary practices and formulate recommendations for areas of potential improvement.

Quarterly Progress Analysis
A quarterly analysis of progress on audit goals provides necessary information to support student success and outcomes.

Data Reporting and Team Facilitation
DCIU can support data-driven decision making by facilitating instructional support teams, as well as collecting and analyzing data to meet your teams' goals. Our team-based approach will lead schools in targeted intervention strategies.

Targeted MTSS
MTSS planning and implementation should be the umbrella that covers academic and behavioral initiatives for student success. Our team-based approach will lead school in effective data analysis and targeted intervention strategies with equity and climate at the forefront.

DCIU can support your school in equitable practices to ensure your students feel included, respected, and treated with dignity. Our teams can facilitate services, define goals related to your school's mission and vision, and measure what matters to ensure your students have equitable opportunity for achieving excellence.

Instructional Coaching and Professional Learning

Plan, develop, and implement strategies designed to improve student literacy with the help of DCIU literacy specialists. Our specialists can help you incorporate literacy skills into lesson plans beyond ELA classes, create and implement interventions for struggling students, building student analysis skills, and instructional support for teachers. Specific areas of literacy support may include: Wilson Reading Program (Fundations), DIBELS, and Acadience (aimswebPlus).

With the help of DCIU's math specialists, adopt strategies to create rich, rigorous, and relevant experiences and an environment in which all students grow and achieve. Specialists can help expand current math instruction to expand critical thinking, understanding mathematics conceptually, active and collaborative problem-solving, and application of mathematics knowledge. Math support can also include the use of Acadience (aimswebPlus).

DCIU specialists are experts at creating STEM academies within your school setting. Engage your students with coding, robotics, and engineering to prepare them for success in a 21st century world. Specific STEM support may include: SCRIPT Training, Engineering is Elementary (EiE) implementation, Picture Perfect STEM lessons, coding, and robotics.

Social-Emotional Learning
Understanding data on student engagement and wellbeing can help schools to strategically plan for how social-emotional learning and trauma-informed care can be prioritized and embedded in academics and school climate activities. DCIU trains and supports school teams in exemplar initiatives for student social and emotional growth, including CASEL training, Restorative Practices, and the National School Climate Center framework. Integrate your school's practices to create dynamic learning communities where all students are engaged and connected.

Mental Health and Wellbeing
In addition to guidance and counseling services who work with children, parents, and school personnel in nonpublic schools as part of Act 89, DCIU has a team of certified mental health and counseling experts poised to help your teams expand capacity in trauma-informed schools, suicide prevention and intervention, and Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA).

Program Support

Our integrated approach to supporting gifted education helps build rigorous programs that will challenge students in both regular classroom settings and enrichment opportunities. DCIU specialists can work with your team in the following areas: equitably determining giftedness, GIEPs, differentiating for gifted in the general education classroom, and supporting the social-emotional needs of gifted learners.

English Language Development
Certified English Language Development (ELD) teachers can provide systematic, planned program support or instructional support in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English to develop the skills necessary for academic achievement and post-secondary success. Our team can also support English learners in your school through program administration, facilitating identification of English learners, testing administration, curriculum review and revision, coaching, and direct instruction. 

STEM Lending Library
DCIU offers project-based learning resources through the STEM Lending Library, allowing schools to experiment with cutting-edge innovative technology equipment available for loan. STEM Lending Library's growing inventory is equipped with PreK-12 STEM materials, including 3D printers, robotics kits, AR/VR devices, coding and programming items, invention kits, and more.

Family Engagement

Parent Training
Parents are the key agents of change in their child's life. Training opportunities provide education and resources for parents to be connected as partners in their child's education and social-emotional growth. Potential training topics may include: Helping Students Cope with Anxiety, Homework Wars: Peacekeeping Tips for Parents, Supporting Social Skills at Home, and An Introduction to Trauma for Parents and Caregivers.