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Job-Alike Meetings for Administrators

DCIU’s job-alike meetings for administrators provide a meaningful way for education leaders to network and receive information relevant to specialized roles. Regular meetings for each group are held to share best practices, provide a support network for problems of practice, and serve as a communication conduit for state initiatives and information related to the content area. 

Curriculum Directors

DCIU hosts monthly meetings to facilitate collaboration between colleagues across the county who are responsible for curriculum and instruction in their districts. Curriculum & Instruction administrators network with those in similar roles across the county, discussing curricular, instructional, and assessment topics and comparing problem-solving approaches. DCIU staff keeps the group abreast of PDE initiatives and requirements, trends in instruction and assessment, and area professional development opportunities.


DCIU hosts regular meetings to facilitate collaboration between principals and assistant principals across the county. School principals and assistant principals network with those in similar roles across the county and discuss relevant topics. DCIU staff keep the group abreast of PDE initiatives and requirements, trends in instruction and assessment, and area professional development opportunities.

Title III Consortium Quarterly Meeting

DCIU serves as the Title III Consortium Lead for Schools that receive Title III funds. As Consortium fiscal lead and partner, DCIU coordinates the Title III activities for consortium members, ensuring that funds are spent on carrying out goals and benefiting all consortium members. Quarterly meetings are held to support collaboration and transparency. 

Multilingual Learner Coordinator Networking

DCIU offers quarterly meetings for Coordinators of programs for multilingual learners across the county to engage in discussion, collaboration, and problem-solving around issues, initiatives, and trends affecting the education of English learners and immigrants.

Participants will learn from and contribute to a network of leaders committed to equitable and effective language instruction educational programs for English learners and immigrant students.

Engage with member LEAs to identify Consortium activities and facilitate planning.

Receive federal and state updates and guidance related to Title III requirements.