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Title III: English Learners

Title III requires all public school districts receiving funds under Title III Language Instruction for English Learners (ELs) and Immigrant Children and Youth (ICY) to provide equitable educational services to eligible EL and immigrant students and educational personnel in private schools that are located in the geographic area served by the LEA. Title III allocations include funding for the number of nonpublic students that the district includes in its EL and ICY student counts. This funding must go towards servicing EL or ICY students in the nonpublic schools or providing professional development to their teachers.  

LEAs are responsible to provide timely and meaningful consultation with each nonpublic school, determine nonpublic students’ eligibility as English learners and/or immigrants, and report the verified numbers of ELs and immigrants to PIMS.  The LEA, in collaboration with the nonpublic school, determines what services will be provided to best meet the educational needs of the nonpublic students and teachers.  Supplemental services may include resources such as books, web-based subscriptions, tutoring, summer programs, or professional development for teachers.


Sara Christianson
Assistant Director of Teaching & Learning
610-938-9000 ext 2063  

Jane Johnson
Administrative Assistant
610-938-9000 ext 2246