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Early Intervention Services

All parents are concerned about their child's development.   We can help. Early Intervention through DCIU is designed to help children with special needs from age three to before they enter kindergarten. Every child has both areas of strength and of need. Every child benefits when developmental delays, disabilities and special needs are identified and addressed early in life. Preschool children can receive many types of services if they have an identified developmental delay or disability in at least one of the following areas:

Professionals provide services to eligible children and their families. The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that is developed for each child could include any of the following services:

Help for your child can begin with a simple telephone call or online referral.


Early Intervention services are free to eligible children in Pennsylvania. Use the contact numbers below to access these services.
Call (610) 938-2830 x6502 or x6503 for more information. 

  • Adaptive development
  • Cognitive development
  • Communication development
  • Physical development 
  • Social-emotional development
  • Assistive technology
  • Family training and counseling
  • Case management/service coordination
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Psychological services  
  • Special Education instruction
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Transportation to classroom programs is provided by the school district where the child resides, upon parent request.
  • Vision services
  1. Contact DCIU's Early Intervention Services (610) 938-2830 ext. 6502 or 6503. A secretary will record some basic information and ask you about your concerns about your child or click here for online intake form.
  2. You will receive a packet through email to complete so that Early Intervention professionals can gather additional information about your family and child.
  3. Professionals will review the results of your screening packet and recommend whether to schedule further assessments for your child.
  4. Professionals review the results of any further assessments. They and you are part of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) which will identify your child's strengths and needs. You also participate in developing the Individual Education Plan (IEP) which outlines the services your child may be eligible to receive. 
  • For children ages birth to 2 years and 10 months, living anywhere in Delaware County: 610-713-2406
  • For children ages 2 years and 9 months to enrollment in a kindergarten or other school age program, living in any Delaware County school district except Chester-Upland: 610-938-2830 x6502 or x6503
  • For children ages 2 years and 9 months to enrollment in a kindergarten or other school age program who live in Chester-Upland School District: 610-872-4590 
  • For families who live outside of Delaware County and are between birth and school age: 1-800-692-7288

Early Intervention Calendar