Early Head Start
Early Head Start/Head Start provides a comprehensive child-development program serving preschool age children (ages 3, 4, or 5) that meet family income eligibility requirements. The goal is to increase school readiness and social competence of young children in low-income families. EHS/HS provide a range of services including early-childhood education, health, nutrition, family services, transition, parent engagement, services to English language learners, mental health supports, and language and cognitive development.
The Head Start program is funded to serve over 900 children in five different locations in Chester City, Chester Township, Folcroft, Glenolden and Aston. The site in Aston houses a full complement of early-childhood services including Head Start/Early Intervention inclusion classes, Early Intervention specialized classes, and Pre-K Counts.
Classes are held from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Funding is provided by Administration for Children and Families, Pennsylvania Department of Education, and Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) for the Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program and the Pre-K Counts Program.
Early Head Start serves pregnant women and families of infants and toddlers in both Home Based and Center Based settings in Delaware County.
Early Head Start Child Care Partnership Program
DCIU currently partners with three early learning programs: Apple Pie Christian Academy, Smart From the Start, and The Children’s Garden to target services for low income families with children between the ages of 6 weeks and 36 months of age. Interested families should contact DCIU for more information regarding registration and enrollment requirements by calling Justine Pascal, Assistant Director, 610-938-9000 ext. 2206.