Your Rights to Technical Education
Frequently Asked Questions Rights to Technical Education
Question. What is Career and Technical Education?
Answer. Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs offer students the opportunity to enhance their education with valuable workforce skills. CTE links what students learn in the classroom with what they need to succeed in the real world.
Career & Technical Education
- Prepares students to succeed in further education and careers.
- Actively partners with employers to design and provide high quality and dynamic programs.
- Is delivered through comprehensive programs of study aligned to the National Career Clusters framework.
- Is critical to ensuring that the United States leads in global competitiveness.
- Is a results-driven system that demonstrates a positive return on investment.
Question. I was told that if I go to technical school, I can’t go to college. Is this true?
Answer. Students who choose technical education as their elective credits can and do go to college. If they choose to continue in the same post secondary program of study, they can even qualify for college credits for their work. This is similar to taking AP courses. For more information on earning college credit, see our College Opportunities section.
Attending a Career and Technical Education program also helps students form strong career visions, often expressed in college entrance essays. Each year, DCTS students earn competitive and merit scholarships based on their technical school experiences. See our Alumni Spotlight for featured individual success stories.
Question. I was told that I am not allowed to apply to DCTS. Is this true?
Students have indicated a variety of explanations: only 11th and 12th graders can attend, only students with IEPs in 10th grade can attend, a deadline was missed, etc.
Answer. Any 9th – 11th grade student is allowed to apply. By Pennsylvania regulation ( Pa Code 4.23 (d)(1) ), career and technical education shall be made available to every student in the high school program. Districts should not be limiting the number of students who receive career and technical education. View a copy of the Access to Career and Technical Education Memo which was provided by the PA Bureau of Career and Technical Education to administrators of all Pennsylvania school districts explaining your rights to technical education.
DCTS programs start in 10th grade. It is also possible for students to enroll in a 9th grade exploratory program.
While most applications are submitted before or during the school’s course selection process, DCTS continues to process applications and place applicants provided there is room in the requested program. For more information on Admissions Policies and Procedures, see How to Apply.