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Adult and Continuing Education

DCTS is committed to life long learning, and is a resource for workforce and training initiatives in our community. DCTS Adult & Continuing Education Programs can prepare you for skilled, innovative and high demand career.

Job Ready Programs

The Delaware County Technical Schools offer a unique opportunity to become certified in any one of many industry certifications that can lead directly to your dream job! Our Job Ready programs prepare you with the skills to enter a career pathway in a high demand occupation. Participants will experience the level of training that has made DCTS one of the premiere technical centers in Pennsylvania.

  • Are you interested in a career change?
  • Restarting your formal education?
  • Training for a career?

Now is the time to become Job Ready! DCTS Job Ready programs can prepare you for skilled, innovative and high demand careers. Learn more by selecting one of the following programs on the left of the screen.

11 Month Program

Licensed Practical Nursing Program 


All required clearances MUST be received prior to being enrolled into the program.

DCTS Class Cancellation Policy

DCTS reserves the right to cancel any program. Minimum and Maximum class size will be determined by the administration. DCTS reserves the right to limit enrollment and change instructors. We also reserve the right to cancel a class due to low enrollment or due to the unavailability of instructors or facilities. A 100% refund will be issued if we change the date or time of a class, making it impossible for the student to attend. Refunds will be automatically applied to outstanding balances. NON-ENDORSEMENT Instructors hired by EMSRC are employed because they have a special skill or expertise which they are willing to share with the community. Advertisements appear in this publication to help defray expenses. The responsibility for the advertising content is exclusively the advertisers. Please note that DCTS does not endorse the opinions and business affiliations of our instructors or our advertisers.