If your student is absent, please notify your
DCTS Student Handbook Attendance Policy:
Student attendance, Absences and Truancy Regular school attendance by students is required by law and necessary to develop employability skills. Furthermore, since the normal technical school session equals half of one day and has a curriculum based on developing and practicing practical skills, it is extremely challenging to make up for missed instruction. A written excuse must be turned in to the DCTS office for each absence. Submitting excuse cards to the sending district does not account for the submission of excuse cards to DCTS. The student has three (3) days from the date of the absence to bring a written excuse from home. If a written excuse is not turned in to the DCTS office within three days after an absence, the absence will be considered unexcused and a grade of zero (0) will be given for the work ethic portion for each unexcused absence. In addition, class work, including tests, quizzes, and assignments, may not be made up for unexcused absences; therefore, a grade of zero (0) will be recorded for that assignment, test, or quiz. Students will have 5 school days to turn in completed missed work or complete a skill due to an excused absence.