Goal 4: New Administrator Professional Learning Community
Establish an on-boarding and Professional Learning Community (PLC) to support and develop strong leaders who can lead challenging programs for students, students with special education needs, and students in our nonpublic and career and technical schools by June 2025.
Position(s) Responsible: Executive Director, Director of Human Resources, CFOO, Assistants to the Executive Director
Create opportunities to on-board and grow new administrators at DCIU.
Action Steps
Timeline: June 2023 - 2024
Indicators of Implementation:
Articulate the scope and sequence of the curriculum using backward design theory of development.
Identify/develop assessments aligned to the curriculum.
Identify resources needed to implement the revised curriculum and assessment plan.
Select research-based instructional strategies designed to meet the needs of diverse learners. Implement curriculum revisions and additions as articulated.
Review Progress Monitoring and Benchmarking Technology Tools to ensure alignment with math curriculum to support instructional practices and student assessment.
Curriculum documents
List of assessments
List of resources
List of instructional strategies
Alignment of technology tools to support progress monitoring and benchmarking
Articulate the scope and sequence of the curriculum using backward design theory of development.
Identify/develop assessments aligned to the curriculum.
Identify resources needed to implement the revised curriculum and assessment plan.
Select research based instructional strategies designed to meet the needs of diverse learners.
Review progress monitoring and benchmarking technology tools to ensure alignment with ELA curriculum to support instructional practices and student assessment.
Curriculum documents
List of assessments
List of resources
List of instructional strategies
Alignment of technology tools to support progress monitoring and benchmarking
Deep understanding of scope and sequence of K-12 ELA and Math.
Develop PD to address K-12 ELA and Math with input from professional staff.
Develop PD using research-based strategies to address instructional practices, differentiation of K-12 ELA and Math curriculum.
Establish a professional development calendar that reflects identified priorities and goals.
Identify program and teacher leaders who can co-facilitate professional development topics and provide turn-around trainings for new employees as part of the induction process.
Provide professional development on best instructional practices for teaching all students, with a focus on students with complex needs, in a DCIU setting.
Provide instructional coaching to improve instructional practices.
Develop processes and procedures to incorporate teacher and program needs for professional development with instructional practices.
Professional staff providing input for PD
PD prioritized needs
PD calendar
Identified teacher leaders
Research-based strategies list
sheets and evaluations of all PD sessions
Instructional coaching in place
Increase strategies to support students with social and emotional needs at the Tier I, II, and III levels.
Develop and implement evidence-based strategies and interventions to support students' ability to increase their capacity to cope and engage in the school environment.
Additional supports, services, or programs needed for all students with complex behavioral and mental health needs in Pre-K to 12 settings.
Develop strong partnerships with local law enforcement, county mental health agencies, and community agencies to support ongoing efforts in supports for students with behavior and mental health needs.
Increase community partnerships to support students with mental health and behavior needs
Creation of additional supports, resources, or programs to address the array of students need for supports
Develop and implement a menu of strategies to increase awareness and interest to attract future candidates to the DCIU.
Analyze menu of strategies to determine the effectiveness of the increase in applicants to DCIU.
DCIU fully staffed
Establish a professional learning community that will occur monthly for newly appointed administrators at DCIU to support their growth and development by June 2023.
Develop mentoring systems for ongoing supports based on adminstrator needs assessment for continued growth by June 2024.
Framework developed and implemented for administrators' PLC
Developed and implemented mentoring system to support newly appointed administrators to DCIU